There was a difficult period in my life, I was very nervous and immediately broke out in rashes. At first the rash was on the elbows, but as I started treatment quickly and applied cream to the affected areas, the disease did not spread further. In fact, when I had this problem, I even changed jobs. Everything is calm in my new job, but sometimes I get nervous, especially when some kind of test awaits us. It is necessary to undergo complete treatment to get rid of psoriasis completely. The product is completely natural, the instructions describe in detail how to use the cream - without any difficulties!
For me, psoriasis started with plaques appearing on my elbows and knees, and then appeared on my scalp. And what's interesting is that in winter my condition got much worse, and in summer the sea and the sun helped. In recent years, psoriasis has spread throughout the body, leaving small, pale patches only on the scalp. I started using Yenki Derm cream. It is convenient and really effectively eliminates the cause of psoriasis, I am convinced of that.
For 1. 5 months I applied the product to all areas of the skin affected by the disease. Now, despite the cold, I don't have exacerbations. Everything heals quickly, leaving no trace, I'm simply amazed. Now I feel much more confident, I'm not afraid to take off my clothes on the beach or in the pool. I recommend it to everyone who is fighting an unequal battle against psoriasis!